Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More Hatchling Pictures~

More picture of my snakies. From the top is Tom ( Father) then Blaze ( Mother ) and the babies. No name for them yet since I havent determine their sex. Have to wait a few more month I guess before I can tell which is male and which is female.


  1. I'm their number one fan. I'm so so in love with them!! Haha. They look so adorable, (sorry I'm rambling). Snuffle upagus :) Eeekk, Major love them. Okie, I'd better stop here before I ruin your blog. Again, it was so much fun carrying them. Was afraid I would squish them cuz they're tiny!! xoxo

  2. How can your ever ruin my blog? Yeah I do think you are their number 1 fan. What's "Snuffle upagus? Haha. It's much more fun to carry all five at once. Haha. Feels like worm crawling on your hand minus the slime and sand.
